dimulakan dgn liqa' mahabbah untuk menyambut batch 30. penuh kontroversi tapi alhamdullilah berjalan lancar. =)
the accessories yg kitorg sewa untuk western group dance competition sebagai wakil MMMC untuk Utsav 2012. semua nak emas giteww bagi meghelap masa menari nanti.
we performed a fusion dance of chinese sleeves dance (taktau betoi ke dak nama dance tu) and malay kontemporari dance aceywah padahal steps semua cilok from youtube.
we secured the third place, mind you. *proudface*
our loyal supporters. sorry tak sempat nk bagi signature kat semua org haritu. kuikuikui.
vain mode. kekeke. post-dance competition picture muke happy pasni takyah p pektis menari tiap2 malam! boleh concentrate study yeay! *konon*
with MMMC's cultural parade team for Utsav. sadly, despite the countless effort they put in completing the dragon and preparing other dances, they didn't win =(
witnessing the production of our very own dragon named 'Horny' . my respect goes to those involved in this project. memang hebat. nampak real kan?
pizza time with my kesayangans ^_^ cantik kan hasil tangan Najaa? sayangnya dy p tulis benda yg orang tak suruh tulis. gatai punya tangan. babab kang baru tau.
just before kitorg p makan pizza, Miyn's cat Serrafin (i called him Serapin) fell down from Miyn's balcony to the first floor of the apartment. btw we lived on the sixth floor. bayangkan betapa tingginya dy jatuh =( now he is permanently paralyzed. T__T. kagum dgn Miyn yg sabar je jaga Serapin until now despite segala masalah yg Serapin ada.
my first amalgam restoration =)
it's raining for the first time in Manipal after several months of kepanasan melampau especially in April. kalau boleh 24 jam nak pasang ekon. bil letrik menjulang sampai rs3400. T__T
me n Nabilah with our striking raincoats ^^ padahal time ni hujan dah rintik2 manje. yes i know i mcm ahjumma p petik cili kat ladang.
we had our third block exam from 24th until 30th March. as usual, i had a week of sleepless night and got zombiefied with eyebag.
sepatutnya pas abeh exam kitorg p tdo Mangalore sbb nak tgk cter Avengers kui 10 mlm. malangnya tiket suma sold out maka kami mengubat hati yg lara dgn...
...berkaraoke puas2 selama 3 jam malam habeh exam. seronot woo bilik besau ekon sejuk dy bagi makan n minum free. tambah lagi ade list2 lagu jiwang rock kapak dalam folder. hehehe.
gamba belah kanan tu amek from folder lagu indon. ape ke pelik tajuk lagu Tri la li li or Tri Suci Waisak. mmg terhibur baca. kahkah.
siti nur nabilah, avril naurah and miyntan (konon mcm hattan) sibuk memilih lagu utk membuat konsert.
dah lama teringin puding karamel finally pas exam aku buat jugak puding yg manis leting ni. =P
my April was kinda fun and full of enjoyable activities (except the exam week). let's hope May to be more exciting! =D