Saturday, April 25, 2009


at last, the book angels and demons by dan brown is made into muvie!!!!

lalalaala~ hepy2!!

to whoever yg blom bace lg buku ni, please2 pretty please bace.

much3 more fantastic that the da vinci code taw. seriously.

u'll found this buk breathless, adventurous, gripping, hbat2, ingenious with all the conflicts and riddles.

bacelah. taw2.

if im not mistaken, the mivie will be released on 15th may 2009. but im unsure kat malaysia ble.

the main character is still the i-hafal-all-history-facts Robert langdon, play by the very talented Tom Hanks.

cant wait for it.



Mr Nobody said...

Aku suka gak buku tu...Antara buku terbesh yang pernah aku baca....


Movie dia confirm besh...

Aku nak tengok sape jadi Commander Olivetti.... dan Hassasin....

Sape jadi Maximillan Kohler....

Arghh....mcm mcm lagi. Kalau nak tanye, sampai bile pun tak sudah. Tengok sendiri lagi baek...


nurulfana said...


butul2. aku nak sgt taw sape hassasin tu nnt.

n the most important, care2 pembunuhan 4 paderi tuh. wohoh.


Lord Hosni the Wise said...

buku tu terjelepok diatas locker nash, menanti untuk ak nk tgk muvie die je la..wakaka..

kluar may ni

nurulfana said...

i know lah
rugi ko xbace chiko
besh taw!

nurulfana said...

i know lah
rugi ko xbace chiko
besh taw!