Wednesday, September 30, 2009

my new lullaby

my new lullaby are the physics IB stndard level books. take note, bookS.

i have no idea what i've been learning in this semester which is already the third semester. and the semester has no mercy on me.

not a slightest clue at all. ngahaa tiru ayat galileo. myra je yg paham. abaikan.

yes the last semester physics result was indeed a sobering wake-up call, but i cant help from falling deeper and deeper into a world of i-know-nothing-about-this-bloodyhard-physics.

and the IB bookS are not helping either. the sentences are like panjang berjela2 tapi point dy seciput ape aku tak paham. imagine how super stress is that. urghh i cant even bear to imagine it.

i dont even have the spirit to fathom whatever the books are blabbing about. its like a profound torture, agonizing my mind just to understand a simple formula or a short definition of a term.

its a real nagging u know. its a stab in the heart when u're actually putting ur 100% effort okayy fine perhaps less than 100% but u're still a dummy. a freaking dummy.

so what should i do know. confront the teacher?? NO NO. i dont know how to communicate with teachers. like SERIOUSLY i dont know okayy. but the situation is getting critical. not only for me, but also for the whole batch i guess.

sigh sigh sigh. this subject used to be easy during SPM time. why is it damn hard here in mcs. urghhh gila stress.

kat mrsm dulu kalau takleh tdo buku sejarah jadi bed-time story sbab bace 5 minit konpem tido.

now these physics books will replace the sejarah book. semua orang tepuk tangan cepat.


Monday, September 28, 2009

khas bwat zati tersayang cewahh

ok honey sbab i sayang u gile2 kan so i nak bagi ur an online gift ngeheee.

i know u're crazy over mani-pedi kan? so here goes a special, eccentric present from me. =PP


TAADAAAA!! susah tau i nak cari bende ni. ngehee. quick, give me a kiss lalalala~

may ur cutiey set of nails become curvier and shining metalically =PP


Saturday, September 26, 2009

almost ruined

kenapa almost ruined? meh cni aku nak habaq mai (smbil selinsing lengan baju gaya makcik2 nak bergosip)

mcm yang dah dibagitau haritu, i dah booked myself today for a shoping spree with bie. tiba2 mak cakap "kak long petang ni balek awal kite nak g raye umah cik noni''. sigh. potong stim.

as expected bie mengamuk huuu gila teruk kena marah meleleh2 air mata mase drive. sukati ja marah2 orang. bukan salah orang pon. gila ruined mood nak shoping. dalam kete pon diam je. taut gila environment hmmph.

pastu baru terhegeh2 pujuk orang =)) tau takot. tapi besala pompuan jual mahal. so gadoh lagi dan lagi habeh jadi adegan crite hindustan dlm kete tu. naseb bek i still boleh concentrate. sudahnye baek jgk heee air dichenchang takkan putus.

baru ade mood nak shopping ngeh3. terus g kedai golden sandal only to found out that the sandal was out of stock. T_T sedih gila taktau nak cakap mcmn. i dah sampai termimpi2 nak sandal tu sampai hati dy tak tggu kedtgn i. perggh stress.

maybe sbab bie menyampah tengok muncung huduh i so dy blanje selipar baru =)) hoo jimat duit. jadilah selipar bwat jalan2 g CP, SP n T1. gila pathetic.

jalan2 lagi tba2 nampak beg. ponder punye ponder punye poodahcik i beli jgk pastu menyesal T_T. tapi xpela, tak rugi pun kan. boleh guna kat kolej, bwat bwk handbook math g kelas cikgu ikhwan.

next nak cari pendrive. gila maju skrg pendrive 1 n 2 gb dah takde. dah pupus. paleng carok pun 4 gb. so i belila yg paleng carok tu sbab i mmg buta teknologi. tapi tak bermakne i setuju dgn ayat perasan presiden klas i,,''women and technology, pastu bwat muka gedik rase nak sepak je".

kesimpulannye, i hepi hari ni. oklah nak g mandi sbab pasni nak g beraya pastu g giant ngan my adek nak beli brg2 nak bwk balek kolej esok.

shit. i alomost ruined my mood again. did i mentioned 'balek kolej esok' juz now? xde kan? fine. bye.


Friday, September 25, 2009

terhegeh2 nak update raya

so hari ni dah hari raya keenam n my house still menerima kunjungan tetamu tak henti2. betape glamernye i okayy tipu. ramai btoi my mum n my dad punye kawan. penat dah asek jadi tukang basuh pinggan and tukang buat air. T_T

tujuan entri kali ini adalah untuk mengupload gamba2 raya. gila malas nak upload kat fb sbab gamba raya tahun ni tak lawa. tenkiu stupid camera.

tahun ni i raya kat kg gajah, perak. jgn tanya kenape nama tmpt tu kg gajah. maybe dulu2 perkampungan ni milik gajah tapi berjaye ditakluki oleh manusia. sebab tu gajah lari pegi zoo.

budak ni paling beria nak pkai baju raya padahal satu hari pun dy tak pose tapi duit raya dy paleng byk dpt. huh tak aci.

okayy kalau pndai cube teka sape yg pkai selendang hijau tu.

tadaa. family picture. im fugly. T_T time ni selendang tak lilit lagi sbab balek dari semayang raya kalut nak g salam mak abah.

my family + opah. opah degil time ni. orang suruh pkai baju raya dy takmau plak.

on the third raya, paksu join us =) we had a bbq ngehee besh gila. paksu sgt kuat menyakat pasal bf i urghh sgt tak tahan kalau tak kuat mau menanges.

i makan byk gila hotdog sbab i paleng smgt cucuk lidi kat hotdog tu.

cube teka apa ini?

inilah model hotdog terhangat di pasaran. tengok, siap jongket2 kaki lagi tu. aww.

ni lah paksu i. sgt naughty tak padan usia. tapi sgt sporting and cool gila! terer gila masak sbab tu i suke terhegeh2 tunjuk muka kat umah dy. ngehee.

cakes ni are for hijaz n opah's birthday. my opah dah 72, tapi maintain sihat, kurus n rambut siap dye inai lagi. my opah mmg rawx.

okaylah. letih dahla nak upload gamba. nak crite pun dah tak larat. cukup cukup. buz karo.

skrg tgh follow cter why why love. mcm gwen stefani cakap, SUPER KAWAII lah cter tu. i like!

awww. cutenye!

this series mmg awesome

gwen stefani bukan cakap this story is super kawaii. i juz amek term super kawaii tu from gwen. ada paham?


suke sangat cari pasal ngan aku ni apsal?

what is effing wrong with celcom today?

ade mane2 pencawang tumbang ke? tapi hari ni mana ade ribut taufan kat Malaysia. ade ke? takde kan?

kot ye pun ade problem inform la wey. give us an early notification. takdela jadi mcmni. susah tau tak? paham tak? ish gedik btulla celcom ni. rase cam nak sekeh je.

nak bwat gempakla konon tu. ape nak tgk mcmn sengsarenye kitorg without u ke? okayy fine mmg sengsare gile. i nak msg ngan bie pun tak boleh T_T. boring paham tak BORING!!!

screw this bloody celcom. naseb bek kau orang melayu yang pegang kalau tak mmg dah kene fire abeh abesan. im good at mengutuk ppl u know. dont get me started. sigh i mmg racist kan? wtf thats not the major probs here.

cepatlah elok cepatlah elok celcom oi. g makan ubat cepat.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

mood raya sudah habes

title post has nothing to do with what troubling my mind right now.

i want that golden sandal with beautiful gems.

i want that blue top with cute ribbon at the bottom of the skirt.

i want a new cardi.

i want money so that i can buy all those.

i cant stay calm whenever i thought of these stuffs. i want them to be mine. right now.

life is so effing jealous with me that it doesnt bother to lend me some money.

ini tak boleh jadi nih. nak tak nak kene jugak shoping this saturday. weeeehooooo!!!! boleh jumpa bie skali!!

i love my boring life.

ps: tak post lagi pasal my raya yg awesome gila! hehe. just wait.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

eid mubarak ppl


im sorry for all my amiss and perangai tak senonoh towards u all. i know sometimes i mmg annoying but i cant help it. so sorry ya ppl. =)

im sorry if any words from my humble, full of red sunflowers blog did hurt u guys intentionally or unintentionally.

pls halalkan makan minum i selame ni if i ade menumpang ration u all. hihi.

jemputlah datang rumah ye. kalau u all taula where my home is.


Friday, September 18, 2009

kau kata negara aku suke menciplak??

kau tengok ape yang negara kau buat. lagi hebat! sebijik seketoi sama.

come on, kelakar gile tgk tunjuk perasaan depan Malaysia's embassy.

u all claim tarian pendet tu u all yang punye. fine, take it. we dont even know about those berkemban dancing and we dont even want it.

tapi yang kelakarnye, tarian pendet to originally came all the way from INDIA. india tak kecoh pun?

u all claim lagu Rasa Sayang Eh tu u all yang punye. u all mengamuk abis bile Malaysia gune lagu tu dlm iklan promosi Malaysia Truly Asia. kononnya Malaysia takde identiti.

tapi yang kelakarnye, lagu tu originated from PORTUGIS and they spread the song to the countries they're colonizing. Ape kau ingat negara kau sorang kene jajah dgn Portugis?

i rase better u all concentrate on helping the earthquake victims or reduce poverty in ur country, bukannye mencari publisiti murahan dgn membakar bendera negara orang mcm tu lah yang boleh bagi anak bini kau makan.

ps : all pixxies are taken from ohbulan


Thursday, September 17, 2009

yes!! i made it!

yipppeeeeeeeeeee!!! i sgt bertuah hari ni bcoz im the chosen one yg dapat surat saman! yeehaa!

i dont know why i sgt teruja. hikhik. mmg uber excited. kalau boleh mase dpt tu i nak melompat2 kijang setinggi yg boleh tapi xleh sbab i kat tepi jalan besar nnt sume orang nmpk xde org yg nak masuk meminang i. i tak nak jadi andartu. (=_='')

my sweet memory. ngehe. tenkiu pakcik polis!!

tapi kan rase mcm kecoh gile pakcik polis ni. alah i nak parking ctu kejap je pon. fine lamela jgk kan sebab sempat tgk muovie cter UP tapi tapi tiang duit tu yang menyorok drp i. i dah try cari dah tiang duit tu tapi takde pon.

so salah sapekah? salah tiang tu lah. sape suh tak minum appeton weight gain. nnt padan muke kau tiang duit bile kau dating ngan awek kau nnt awek kau tak nmpak kau terus dy lari. heh. gud gud very gud, takde misai tumbuh janggut. (nyanyi mengejek mcm mase korg kecik2 dulu)

naseb bek kene byr 20 rengget je. fuhh. mak suh i bayar gune duit sendiri. T__T


my long searching has finally come to an end. i dah beli kasut raya!! yeeha again. thanx a bunch to esarli sbab menemukan i dgn jodoh kaki i. oh akhirnya kaki i dah ade wife baru! everyone clap clap clap. semoga jodoh mereka kekal sehingga bila i beli kasut baru yang laen pulak. ngehe.

meet my new adek ipar

=)) mesti kasut ni neves tggu first night. relax bebeh. tggu raya okayy.

barula rase tenang hati i. hehe. thanx bie sbab sudi teman n belanje muvie. =)


Monday, September 14, 2009

ade ke patut dorg cakap aku lucah?

well today, during physics lab period, sebab bosan gila buat experiment ntah hape2 tu, i pon bagila satu teka teki ni kat naurah.

nau, what is this thing?? (lebeh kurg camnilah ayat dy, manela i nak ingat betoi2, dahla i tgh pose =P)

mulut bertemu mulut,
tangan pegang batang,
jari raba lubang??

i bwat muke suci lagi innocent. nau gelak gila2 sbab dy dah pk pasal laen. the others including the tcer pn dah gelak2 jugak.

i pk dlm hati, kenapekah mereka ketawa. see betape sucinye pemikiran i.

pastu i ulang teka teki tu kat boyz. and they cop me as LUCAH. wth? sgt sedih sbnanye. diorg taktau ke i ni mmg sensitip bab2 mcmni. i dahla tak bese dgn hal2 18sx ni. haih.

sape yg pk kotor dy lah yg lucah kan??

so the same teka teki goes to u ppl. tau tak ape jwpnnye? think positive guyz.

if not, the title LUCAH will proudly become yours!!


Sunday, September 13, 2009

lantaklah orang nak cakap ape,

but for me, these two sizzling hot guys are my all-time fav. ngehee. currently head over heels for them =)


the hero of 'sweet 18' and 'lovers in paris'

aww his redup eyes =)

her ex-gf, Han Ji Hye. too bad after almost 4 years, they chose to break up =((


they're sooo cute together. hopefully they'll reunite =)

up next,


one of the hottest guy in Asia man!

a.k.a. Gu Jun Pyo in Boys Before Flowers

cutelah konon tu. fine mmg cuteeee!


major nosebleeding *wink2*

selesai sesi mencuci mate. nak lagi, google sendiri.

semoga bie tak membace post ni. fingers crossed.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

temm kai yah macamni?

yesterday was an okayy day. at least nothing malang happened.

until just now. rosak semuanye.

babi punye keyboard laptop. tak abeh abeh typing error mase bwat repot chem. terus badmood gila, mcm dihembus2 angin amarah oleh syaitan.

now tgh nak type entri ni pun tak abeh abeh slah taip. FGS, tolonglag wtf tolonglahh betol weh. kang aku mencarut lagi kang. tak pasai pahala aku kurang. dahla tadi aku tak g tarawih. (=_='')

eeeeeee. eeeeee. dy bwat balek. susah payah aku nak bwat emoticon tu. (emoticon ke? WTV aku tgh badmood jangan byk tanye, kang tak pasai2 kau kne tengking and dapat pelempang free).

aku nak type tnde equal (=) pastu tgn kiri gatai gatai g press button shift sudahnye plus (+) yang kuar T__T. eeeee SHOOOOOT!

seriously whats wrong with my freaking fingers tonyte?? sawan mengalahkan perokok tegar yg tak pegang rokok 5 jam.

to mcdee n amy, sorry aku jerit2 dalam bilik mcm orang gile. yes i know mmg annoying. tapi korg patut rase grateful aku tak tarik2 rambut or koyak2 baju mcm orang meroyan. fine example tak tepat. TAK EARTH-SHATTERING. TAK GROUND-BREAKING.

also to bie, sorry lepas marah kat u. tak sengaje okayy. alah mcm tak bese plak. jangan marah, kang cancel nak belanje belt kang padan muke.

to readers sorry gune harsh words. sile bace di ruangan tukang karut-carut di column sebelah atas kanan anda. faham kan?

eh eh eh dah tak typing error lah. alhamdullilah =))


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

on this beautiful date,,


i as a kakak yg loving, caring, understanding, cute-ing wtf, n all sifat mahmudah yg laen haha gedik gila promote diri dlm entri for orang laen

oh ayat di atas tak abeh lagi. i nak wish somebody yang i sayang sangat2 n sangat2 comey n sangat2 montel n sangat2 notty n sangat2 best kiss pipi tembam dy *ehem2*



okayy mungkin wish di ats agak over sbab dy bukannye bace blog i pun T__T

name adek i mmg glamer n im very proud of it. ngahaa. sbab nnt boleh belagak 'weh weh name adek aku kan same mcm kumpulan nasyid yg feymes tu...'

birthday boy!!

ouh. my spek lame. tsk tsk.

serius debab gile kan?

saje letak gamba ni sbab i likeeee heeee

okayy sape2 yg berminat ngan adek i sile isi borang kat bilik i. first come first serve.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

even kaki i lenguh mcm nak tercabut

belakang tu is the sunway hotel 6 stars weyy. mmg lawa hell bling2 dy.

the LOUD team

the 6 packs haha

the girls minus kak bell yg g dating ngan her bf =)



seriously mmg penat jelajah satu sunway pyramid to tapi naseb bek pkai sandal =) sunway sgt lawaaaa fine mmg i jakun so what??

have fun gile2,, dah nak dkat sethn stgh kot tak jumpe! dapat gak lepas rindu gosip2 mcm mak cik makcik ahli mesyuarat tingkp =P uish ish bulan pose pun tak berenti gosip =PP

berjaye menahan nafsu from buying stupid stuffs. ngehee. wedges + gladiators serius lawa n murah tapi duit xde T___T

tapi dah azam nak dtg subang again =)) nak g summit plak n mybe to go for ice skating! hee. and and andddd to grab a gladiator! =))

zati honey, u owe me an outing!


Saturday, September 5, 2009

birthday wish for my long-lost friend

okayy. title entri memang agak poyo. abaikan. saje nak bwat gempak.

ehem2. diri tegak2.



i rindu your mak nenek punye perangai yg suke berleter kat kitorang

i rindu sound effects n gaye hang yg plek2

i rindu ur "lets go the zoo!!" whenever u nak g toilet

i rindu ur garangness, ur advices, ur company

i miss u gile2. kapan kite boleh ketemu?

may u have a joyful birthday this year, celebrating ur last teen.

p/s: sorry yang, tula gamba terbaek yang aku ade dlm laptop ni, yang lawa2 sume dah burn dlm cd. =)


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

yes i like porn. so what??

"fashion blog-hopping is like an online pornography for women"

*quoted from my senior's tweet tweet*

yes yes absolutely 100% agree.

eh korang pikir ape ha bace title entri ni? astaghfirulAllahal'azim,,bulan pose ni tak elok pk bukan2 wey

bawak2 la bertobat

