Monday, September 14, 2009

ade ke patut dorg cakap aku lucah?

well today, during physics lab period, sebab bosan gila buat experiment ntah hape2 tu, i pon bagila satu teka teki ni kat naurah.

nau, what is this thing?? (lebeh kurg camnilah ayat dy, manela i nak ingat betoi2, dahla i tgh pose =P)

mulut bertemu mulut,
tangan pegang batang,
jari raba lubang??

i bwat muke suci lagi innocent. nau gelak gila2 sbab dy dah pk pasal laen. the others including the tcer pn dah gelak2 jugak.

i pk dlm hati, kenapekah mereka ketawa. see betape sucinye pemikiran i.

pastu i ulang teka teki tu kat boyz. and they cop me as LUCAH. wth? sgt sedih sbnanye. diorg taktau ke i ni mmg sensitip bab2 mcmni. i dahla tak bese dgn hal2 18sx ni. haih.

sape yg pk kotor dy lah yg lucah kan??

so the same teka teki goes to u ppl. tau tak ape jwpnnye? think positive guyz.

if not, the title LUCAH will proudly become yours!!



dJ said...

err.. apetu yg tiup2 tuu... seruling boleh jugak kot?

nurulfana said...

tak aci tak aci
musti myra dah cter kat ko nih

Anonymous said...

haha klaka siot teka teki kau