Friday, October 1, 2010

i wanna go home

rindu gila rumah, family, and semua2 laaaaaa. dah dpt sesuaikan diri, but still takleh nak hilangkan rasa homesick tu. mcm loser gila. i'm such a weakling. sobsobs.

classes were okay, lecturers were nice, things were like super duper cheap here, food was okay, water also okay, friends were fantastic, apartment was awesome except that its very expensive, auto (tuk-tuk) was a very fun yet suicidal ride.

what else?

i wanna go home but i must be strong.



gadisBunga™ said...

selamat pulang. :)

LIP (^_^) said...

be strong kak long...2 years aite?? :)