Saturday, March 31, 2012


i miss ini budak mereng.

and i miss home.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

5th birthday

last week when i was browsing some random english songs in Youtube, i came across this animation video. It's very simple yet the meaning of the song is very profound to me, due to what we had been facing for the past 2 months. conflicts.

but on this happy day for a special someone, i don't want to talk about those heart-breaking moments. this song inspires me to be a better half for him, just like what he did for me in order to keep me by his side.

just like how Gwyneth Paltrow inspired Chris Martin to write this song when her father died:

''Chris wrote this song for Gwyneth Paltrow after her father died. She came home from the hospital covered & drenched in tears; he started crying & asked her, "What can I do for you? Tell me how I can help.." & she looked up at him & said "Just hold me.. 'cause you're the only thing that can fix me right now." ''

i hope i can be just the same for you; to fix you whenever you're at your lowest point of life. to heal you when you're in despair although i'm not always by your side. i know i've hurt you to the core for my immature behaviour before this, so give me a chance to fix you back. hihihi ^^

okay rasa malu jap jiwang2 kat sini.

anyway, happy 22nd birthday to you, Mr. A. let's try to fix each other's mistake as we're growing old so that we can be a better person in the future. =)

*sorry saye tak sweet mana. yg penting you get the point kan? ^__^*


tiba2 teringin nak buat karipap sebab haritu dawa buat karipap sedap. sbb saye suka karipap so suruh dy dtg rumah ajar buat karipap sbb tiba2 ada mood nak buat karipap sebab karipap sedap.

senang je nak buat doh dy rupanya cuma part inti kentang+ayam tu susah sikit sbb semua pun nak kena bubuh secukup rasa. satu halangan besar bagi noob cook macam saye.

so, let's get started noob sekalian.

first sekali p amek kentang 5 biji and boneless chicken pastu potong dadu.

nak buat pastri dy, mula2 amek se-mug air panas, bubuh 2 sudu planta and satu sudu besar garam dlm air tu. ni untuk bagi kulit dy rangup bila kau kunyah ade bunyi 'crunch crunch' giteww. next amek 500g tepung gandum p campoqkan dy ngan air td secara incremental.

pastu gunakan kekuatan tgn anda untuk menguli sampai mix tu jadi sebati, montok dan lembut. hihi. maafkan tgn yg sedikit maskulin di atas.

tadaaa! montok tak saya?

my first try of mengelim kulit karipap. comparison between yg sifu buat dgn yg noob buat. bentuk terencat gila.

nak masak inti dy, just tumis seketoi bawang merah (potong dadu kecik2) pastu masuk ayam n kentang. pastu boh serbuk kari daging Babas or jenama pape ponboley janji sedap n halal. pastu boh garam n gula secukup rasa.

bagi saye part ni la paling susah sekali sbb takde sukatan yg proper so semua pun kena pecaya lidah sendiri. yakinlah dgn taste bud anda. kalau tak yakin sila suh housemate/jiran sebelah/mak/kucing anda tolong rasekan.

saye buat inti telur gak sebab teringin. just masak mcm nak buat scramble egg.

my kelim work after few trials. practice makes perfect walopun tak perfect mana ^_^

pastu goreng jangan sampai hangit kalau tak, tak shedaap. now karipap dah siap! boleh makan beramai2 ataupun sorang2 jika anda forever alone =)

zohan and serapin budak baik tak kacau pun kami buat keja ^^

and lastly,

ini saye buat khas untuk my birthday boy. ^__^ sorry kulit karipap terkoyak sikit kt bwh tu hewhew. ade mcm karipap-karipap cinta tak? *muntah*

bajet macam tulis untuk harhar.


Saturday, March 3, 2012

hello march

my full second block results were out already. still failed to improve on pharmac practical paper. the rest were okay alhamdullilah. a bit unhappy with my mtf marks but jadikan as pengajaran. i'm happy that i passed my prostho competency test as well. ^__^

we got our first college magazine already! i didn't know this magazine exist because we didn't get any of it last year. sooo the big news is i was featured in the magazine harharhar for the first time in my life i was interviewed as a topper. hehehe i know its nothing big but alhamdullilah merasa jugak akhirnya walaupun saya kuciwa org magazine tu curi gamba facebook saya pegang donat dh kena gigit tanpa izin. saya boleh je bagi gamba vogue2 kalau anda minta wahai encik editor.

oh panjang lebarnye aku jawab kalau nak dicompare ngan Silk's answers. nampak sungguh poyo di situ. haha. anyway bila baca balik jawapan sendiri especially part nasihat tu rasa nak muntah wekkk wekkk sebab diri sendiri pun dh tak buat sgt since masuk second year.

anyway, block 3 pun dah start tapi semangat saya tak datang sepenuhnya lagi. malam2 pukul 12 dah gedebuk atas katil. cepat rasa mengantuk skrg ni. lagi satu, nafsu makan saya awat kuat sangat la ni T___T pas mkn nasi 2 kali ganda amount biasa pun still rasa lapar uhuk mampuihla harapan aku nak kurus.

now i present to you my third and fourth teeth arrangement. ^__^ tapi serius rasa tamau buat gigi palsu untuk org bila dah keja nanti but do i have a choice?
