Wednesday, December 31, 2008

di manakah ku

yesterday tman my mum g bli new dining table.

after sume urusan dah settle, si cine tu nak tulis resit. so he asked for our address. "u duduk taman mane ah??''

mum stared ad me, her forehead frowned. i looked back at her, my mouth yawned.

we juz realize that our new house doesnt hav a specific address. usually ble org tanye juz jwb--ala, dkat area tanah lot yg bru bkk tuh, cari rumah kaler oren wif pagar batu keliling.

my house in the only house yg bwat pagar batu keliling rumah. sungguh arrogant.

the new housing area tu xde name taman, name lorong, even no. rumah. pathetic sgguh. ntah2 kerajaan perak xtaw pn tmpt tu exist.

n fyi, the area dun even hav talian tm. so xle nk gune telefon rumah. my dad bought a new hp to be our new talipon rumah.

nk streamyx pn xleh. my dad curi2 bwk blek broadband office dy. hahaha.

so where on earth am i exactly.


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