Monday, August 16, 2010

the real meaning

just now Hosni posted up this link to urbandictionary on facebook, so i was moved to find out the other meaning of my name.

click on the image for a clearer view.


in case u're lazy to click, let me list down the meanings for ya.


1) an amazingly fun, beautiful, awesome, loveable brown ( i am indeed brown) girl Farhanas are a rare species(?) and few are lucky enough to one and have them in your lives so Farhanas must be cherished and loved forever

2) A girl who can eat enough food to provide for a small village in Africa, yet manages to stay as skinny (??????) as a toothpick. ( HOW I WISH!)


1) A word that can be used to describe something useless.(GRRR)

2) A Spanish slang word (more specifically Cuban) that simply means dick cheese. (what the heck is dick cheese???)

3) A gorgeous, young individual with a great personality,long dark hair,and a hot body(throw up). She tends to be smart, straight forward and lot of people tend to like her. =)))


i think this site is pretty cool as i can learn many acronyms, words and phrases that i never thought exist in this world. btw, there's so many words start with fana-. just to name a few,

  • fanabanna
  • fanabitch (?)
  • fanadian
  • fanana
  • fanaked (?????)
  • fanaddict
  • fanagular

the real meaning of nurul farhana is cahaya kegembiraan. the above case is just for fun. xD



Izzati Alice Faze said...
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Najaa Basir said...

fanabanna sounds like bonamana haha

nurulfana said...

zati : go search for ur name! if its already defined laa. =P

najaa : nmpk sgt aku ngan suju ade jodoh. HUAHUAHUA!