Sunday, May 29, 2011

little Po

i wanna watch this movie so bad. T_T

i miss Po and The Five, and also Shifu telinga besar boleh gerak2.

i remember when me n bf first watched kungfu panda in cinema on our third date (if i'm not mistaken) back in 2008, i was laughing so hard that he said he could only hear my laugh throughout the movie =_=''

random : tadi call mak cerita pasal muka dah naik jerawat balik blah blah blah stress blah blah blah badan dah gemok apa semua, mak reply satu benda je ; kat india sana takde jual pencuci muke Safi ke? O__O


Friday, May 27, 2011

dental caries

the book and the poster are done! yeay to my group! now whats left is the mock presentation and final presentation in front of the dean and othe dentistry faculty members.

i know i shouldn't take this project as a burden but yeap, it was a burden for me until when i saw the complete 127-pages book in front of me. the sweet fruit of our hardwork =)

thanks to all team members. =) we whined a lot, we complained on how cerewet Dr. Jaya was, we're frustrated with the poster guy who has difficulty in understanding simple word, we're tired of doing the same things over and over again, we were sad that the cost of our book is more compared to other groups and many more.

but we're happy during the night we spent together in syasya's room (this sounds so wrong lol), eating kuaci n segala mak nenek makanan syasya, karaoke-ing like a boss and... thats all? haha i can't think of anything more right now.

we're extremely relieved when Dr. Jaya said ''okay, it's final" =D

i wanna thanks IB diploma programme for giving me the experience of doing a 4000 words extended essay which had instilled various manipulating and improvising skills in me. it was very useful. i owe u man!

tomorrow we have to present in front of Dr Jaya, again. but i havent prepared anything yet. O_O

picture taken from nabilah's fb.


Sunday, May 22, 2011


this has been a tough week. alhamdullilah i've made it through, syukur for the strength that Allah has given me and of course a gazzilion thanks to my friends who are always by my side, helping and cheering me up.

first, i'll be staying in International Hostel starting tomorrow. one person per room. i've been living in hostel for 8 years but this is the first time i'll be staying alone. luckily dawa, myra n farah are living next door so there's nothing to be worried about. except for the elevator. hope it will be all okay when we shift there tomorrow morning. kalau tak jenuh den nak angkat beg berat sampai 6th floor.

the room itself? fantastic wa cakap lu! first time seeing a hostel room very much similar to a real hotel room! the furniture are wallahhhh! marvelous! i suka! but no TV la. who needs TV anyway when all our favourite shows can be streamed online? booyah. but it will surely menebuk a very big hole in your pocket cause it costs 100 000 rupees or approximately RM8500 per year. imagine paying that amount in one go. for student who's on a scholarship like me ni bukan takat tebuk lubang kat poket, ni poket tu hilang terus ditelan Manipal.

the view from my window is somehow errr architectural? because basically this international hostel is not completely built yet. WHAT? yes you heard me. i didn't have the gut to tell my mum about this cause she'll be resah-gelisah if she knows her one and only daughter is staying in a 3/4 built building where you can hear the drilling sound all day long. tapi mana nak cari pengalaman macam ni, hidup style india beb! almost all building here were built halfway to accomodate some ppl, then they'll sambung the construction like nobody's business. tahan jela bunyi bising orang gerudi sana sini. layan jela kan.

one thing that i don't like about moving is the packing part. so tedious and time+energy consuming. but thanks to najaa, i've done the packing part successfully. *flip hair* now what's left is the unpacking part which i love the most! i love re-arranging things according to my own preferences. but only when the mood is there la. memang takla aku nak mengemas 24 jam kan.

the next problem is internet connection. this time thanks to aien and whoever junior that recommended me the MTS broadband. not badla, modem pun cun teehee. but i'm gonna use it for 2 months only then i'm going to sell it to juniors who's moving into the hostel this September. now me n Myra have to go to BSNL to terminate our current connection and hopefully we don't have to face those 2 annoying old people. i'm not being rude, but to me all Manipal ppl are very nice except for those 2. grrr.

transport is settled, all thanks to our buchou (scooty's name) and the booking for our new apartment is also done. but MSP is still not over yet. i really want to break up with this project thing asap. serius penat. the only good part of this project is that when ppl talk about dental caries, at least i can understand a tad bit. well thats more than enough for me. we'll learn it in Year 2 anyway.

wow banyaknya aku membebel kali ni. i just need to get it out of my chest. seriously its tiring for me. i know, ni baru sikit, kena belajar jadi independent. sampai bila nak bergantung kat mak kan? that's what i'm doing right now. going through all this made me realized how unready i am for commitment other than to myself. i need to learn to properly manage my life first before i interfere with other ppl's life.

that's all for now. have a nice weekend everyone! cause i won't. T_T


Friday, May 20, 2011

sepohon kayu daunnya rimbun

nyanyi lagu sepohon kayu by hijjaz sambil buat nota biochem sebab rindu sgt kat budak debab sorang ni. sekarang sombong nak mampus dgn kakak sendiri, nak cakap phone ngan dy punyalah susah. bz kalah menteri padahal p main game Zuma tak reti nak stop.

tgk gambar ni buat hati tak sabar nak tgk kungfu panda 2. gemok macam Po! kecik2 dah pandai camwhore guna effect macam2. kaklong dulu tangkap gambar guna kamera buruk je, takde effect bagai.

kaklong janji, pas kaklong dah jadi dentist nnt, gigi kau kaklong repair first. huduh gila deciduous dentition (gigi susu) ada nursing bottle caries. semoga permanent dentition (gigi kekal) kau tumbuh cun belaka.


Monday, May 16, 2011


dulu tangan kanan saya sentiasa pakai ini, sampaikan ada classmate yg panggil saya fanash. even tcer amim pun panggil saya fanash. word ni saya yg invent, hasil gabungan nama saya n bf. fana dan ashraf.

tapi sekarang tangan kanan saya kosong. sebab tali bangle ni dah rosak terkena air. mula2 rasa pelik sebab dua tahun setengah pakai bangle ni setiap kali keluar g mana2. tapi sekarang takleh pakai dah. setiap kali bukak loker pandang sayu je benda ni.

jadinya, encik bf bila dah baca post ni silalah faham maksud tersirat. teehee. =P dah lama dah nak buat post ni tapi ntah napa baru mlm ni terkedek-kedek nak post.

semoga minggu ini menjadi minggu yg lebih baik drp minggu lepas sebab sebaik-baik manusia adalah manusia yg menjadikan hari esok lebih baik drp hari ini.

p/s : gmba worksteps math IB jd latar belakang bangle. rindula jugak kat subjek ni tp xdela sampai sanggup nk belajar lagi sekali. saya bukan otak math maaa.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

minggu ini

minggu ini adalah minggu yang memenatkan. kenapa penat? ada banyak sebab. tapi tak boleh mengeluh. sebab semua ini ujian drp-Nya.

kita sentiasa berdoa semoga Allah bagi kita kejayaan yg cemerlang dlm pelajaran, tp kadang2 kita still tak dapat kejayaan yang kita nak. ini tak bermakna Allah tak makbulkan doa kita ataupun takmau bagi kita berjaya, tapi Allah sebenarnya dah kurniakan kita sifat sabar, tabah dan redha yg sgt sukar nak diperoleh oleh sesetangah org. at least ini apa yg kakak usrah saya bagitau aritu. bila fikir2 balik, memang betul pun kan. kadang2 kite je yg tak nmpak segala hikmah di sebalik apa yg dah terjadi.

jadinya minggu ini bermula dgn agak baik sebab minggu lepas hari2 tido dlm kelas pastu menangis bila study physiology sebab tak paham satu apa. so dah menyesal takmau tido dlm kelas lg walaupun adela jugak tersengguk-sengguk teehee biasala tu kan.

hari selasa saya dan myra dah dapat skuter baru weee comel warna merah. tapi takde nama lagi, malasla nk fikir.

minggu ni makin banyak luka-luka kat badan semuanya sebab prostho. *prostho lagi* tiap kali tulis blog mesti komplen pasal prostho tapi nak buat mcmn mmg prostho kurang best T_T sapa2 yg nak amek dentistry kalau diri tu clumsy mcm saya siap sediala nak terbakar jari, terpegang besi panas, terhiris jari sendiri, etc. ni bukan nak takutkan, ni sekdr peringatan :p

carving first maxillary molar aka gigi pertama geraham atas sgtlah menguji kesabaran. tapi kenalah jugak tabahkan hati buat slow2 kalau tak nnt bila patient dtg nak repair gigi geraham takkan nak carve central incisor (gigi kapak) kan? kalau camtu setengah jam patient kunyah makanan pun tak hancur2. *exaggerate*

dan dan dannnn yang paling menguji kesabaran minda dan fizikal ialah MSP aka mentor-student project. bayangkan, group lain semua buat chapter scope agak kecil sekali kat group saya amek kau satu chapter dental caries dy balun suruh buat buku. td masa present depan dr. jaya pun smpai 2 jam stgh baru habeh. sgtlaa byk dan susah nak paham sebab yelah, dental caries ni chapter year 2. even year 2 pun tak belajar sedetail apa yg kitorg buat. huisshh fana jgn mengeluh fana, sabar sabar.

oh result block 3 dah keluar, semua result turun, anatomy je yg naik. boleh usaha lagi this block.

oklah taktau nk tulis apa dah. rindu mak tiba2 taktau napa tah.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

four years

selamat empat tahun, bf.

You’re so beautiful
But that’s not why I love you
And I’m not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you
Being you
Just you
Yeah the reason I love you is all that we’ve been through
And that’s why I love you


Sunday, May 8, 2011


rindu pulak kat si gemok baju biru tu

selamat hari mak buat mak tercinta, hatimah mat.

kenapa mak hebat sangat?

mak boleh stay up sepanjang malam jaga kitorg bila kitorg demam padahal mak kena g keja kul 7 pagi esok.

mak boleh halau saya belajar oversea padahal maklah org yg paling sedih masa dekat airport aritu.

mak berleter potpetpotpet sebab anak dara mak ni tak reti masak tapi mak tetap bangga dgn anak mak.

mak terer sangat masak kueyteaw, sampai anak mak jadi gemok sebab makan sampai tambah 3 kali teehee.

banyak lagilah, malas nak tulis nnt menitik air mata.

i really need u yesterday tapi tak sampai hati nak risaukan hati mak.

i love u to infinity and beyond, mak!

p/s: berani tulis mcmni sebab tau mak takkan baca. hehe

p/s/s: thanks to my friends for being by my side yesterday and to bf, thanks for being understanding =)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


salam ppl.

jadinya sekarang dah bulan May. *terkejut* dah nak dekat separuh tahun dah weh! kalau kat India still 3 hb, so a birthday shoutout to DJ kawan headbang lagu MCR, and kalau kat Malaysia dah 4 hb, so another birthday shoutout to my one and only mamma-nim, kappa@syarifah nuratiqah!!! oh ye juge belated birthday wish kepada ikmal sapini yg sombong sedikit tu yg besdaynye 2hb lepas.

hari ni merupakan permulaan block terakhir bagi pelajar first year BDS. *terkejut lagi* huaaa kenapa cepat sgt masa berlalu? rasa macam baru je semalam mendaftar kat Manipal ni sambil terbatuk-batuk sebab banyak sgt habuk. ayat cliche, memang pun. dah masuk block 4, maksudnya makin dekatla university exam tu. rasa cam nak meninggal bila fikir kena cover balik semua apa yg dah belajar from block 1.

nak habiskan baca 6 chapter dental anatomy dalam masa satu stgh hari pun dah meleleh air mata rasa mcm nak meninggal, ni nak habiskan semua chapter first year dlm masa 3 minggu. tak sanggup nak bayangkan betapa zombienya saya nanti.

anyhoo, berharap sgt block 4 ni subjek2nya lagi seronok dan lecturer2nya juga tidak membosankan seperti coughblock3cough. sebabnya, pengaruh subjek n lecturer ke atas mood nak belajar dan menghapai, hubungannya adalah directly proportional.

tapi hari ini sudah memberi impression bahawa block ini bakal menjadi seperti block lepas. T_T first day dah kena torture dgr lecture from 8 pagi sampai 4 petang. sebenarnya masa anatomy tadi memang dah tertido habis, masa dental material saya sibuk kira bajet duit untuk bulan ni, masa prostho saya asek tgk rambut dr. deepthi yg lawa tu, masa physio saya berangan2 bila nak p beli moto dan masa biochem saya tanya diri sendiri, apa yang aku belajar hari ni actually? sad.

still, mari berharap untuk yg terbaik!

akhir kata, goodluck to IB batch V for your final IB exam! just do your best and leave the rest to Allah S.W.T because He knows what's the best for you. macam dulu saya tak puas hati kenapa KMS campak saya kat Manipal yg ceruk ni tapi akhirnya baru nmpk hikmah di sebalik semua ni and i do believe that Manipal is the best for me. =)
