Friday, November 21, 2008


bile melihat surroundings di mane rakan2 yg dikenali samade rapat atau tidak masing2 sudah tidak lagi berdue, kate laen: sudah break, sedangkan dulu mereka cukup bahagie, rase takut menyelubungi. sy tidak mahu begitu. tp kini kerap juge bergaduh. tidak suke begitu. kene lebih bertolak ansur. jgn pentingkan ego. ego tidak membawa kamu ke mane2. ingat itu. tp skali sekale mahu juge menang. mane bole asek sye kalah. asek saye mngalah. dy juge perlu tahu itu. dgn satu care, musyawarah. bkn, perkataan itu tidak seswai. mm,berbincang in person. ok. luahkan elok2. jgn ikut emosi sgt. jgn tggi suare. berdiplomasi. usage of language sgt penting. respect each other. jgn lafazkan prkataan yg akan myaketkan ati pihak lain. mahu hubungan kekal lame, perlu berkorban skit. bkn, berkorban byk. demi kebahagiaan bersame. avoid gadoh for more than a day. setelkan cpat2. sentiase ingat itu.

while writing dis post, tringat lgu under pressure by mcr ft the used :

"Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care
For the people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our ways
Of caring about ourselves"

see, we need to change ourselves for our beloved one. or else, sesuatu r/ship tu xkan mnjadi. kalo jadi pun, mst slalu fight. unless u dpt gf/bf yg super duper understanding n sggup beralah with u all the tym. tp susahlah nk cari org mcmtu.

dis post is a reminder for myself. not for anyone else. not for insulting anybody. but if it does benefit u, go on. no need to thank me. =P

for bie, its all in our hands. we know each other so deep. =)



dJ said...

ouchhhh!!!!! dats hurt,weh. huhu

nurulfana said...

read the post
'not to insult anybody'
general okeyh
haha =)