Thursday, October 29, 2009

the treat

this post is special for madihah yusoff and amirah abd wahab, my karaoke partners. =)

thanks so much for your treat at a&w which elevates the level of lipids surrounding my body. hehe. thanks again. *menangis terharu with mate bersinar2*

btw, not badlah burger mozza tu. sedap and sgt mengenyangkan. =D

btw lagi, i think coney dog is not a good name to give to a hot dog. sebab dy mcm homophones kan *cough englishlesson cough". first i dgr name coney dog ni ms i tnye bie what he had for his lunch and he answered:

''bie makan coney dog"

but what i've heard:

''bie makan horny dog"



ax ashraf said...

wow,that's new!
haha..(it's all in ur head =P)

nurulfana said...

haha btulla org dgr mcmtu
sbab tu tnye byk kali