semua orang mesti ade katun feveret mase u all kecik2 dulu. yes, masa semua orang masih lagi bermuka innocent and comel2 belaka. bukan macam sekarang, muka semua dah tak suci. T_T what? u all tak tgk katun mase kecik? kesian, kecik2 dah nerd.
so my faveret one is SAILORMOON. tipu kalau u all taktau katun ni. mmg zaman kegemilangan habis mase i darjah 3 ke 4, im not sure. i ingat lagi, i sanggup bgn awal hari ahad sebab sailormoon start pukul 9 pagi. so 8.30 bangun, siap2 g mandi, makan nasi lemak semua, tau2 pukul 9 pagi dah terpacak depan tv, pasang tv2.
so lets refresh our mind with the beautiful sailors. bukan kelasi ye. take note on that. i sgt kagum dgn costume diorg sampaikan i penah tnye my mum kenape i pegi sekolah kene pkai baju kurung, tak boleh pakai skirt kembang mcm sailormoon. (=_=)''
here goes,, (drumroll) =)
sailormoon a.k.a usagi tsukino.
she's a crybaby. mase mule2 dy dpt power jadi sailormoon, dy refused bcoz she wanted to lead a normal life.
sailor power : moon
tuxedo bertopeng a.k.a. mamoru chiba
involved in an accident that snatched away his memory. has a precognitive ability and helped the sailors to fight demons. fell in love with sailormoon. aww.
power : mawar berduri. haha! kidding2. his fighting skills perhaps?
sailor mercury a.k.a. ami mizuno.
the nerdy of all sailors, with IQ of 300 (jaw dropped). a very shy and quiet person.
sailor power : water of all phases
sailor mars a.k.a. rei hino.
works as a Shinto priestess (dont ask me what is Shinto, i dont have any idea of what it is) and a very serious person.
sailor power : fire manipulation
sailor jupiter a.k.a. makoto kino.
very tall and strong and tomboyish. tapi dazzling hot. pandai memasak, berkebun dan mengemas rumah. calon isteri terbaek. (?)
sailor power : lightning and plant control
sailor venus a.k.a. minako aino.
a full-time dreamer. has a very high desire in becoming a singer which caused her to attend any auditions held. eh mcm description of madihah yusoff pulak kan. =PP
sailor power : love (a big question mark), lead the other four sailors
sailor chibi moon a.k.a. chibiusa.
the future daughter of usagi (sailormoon) and mamoru (tuxedo bertopeng), came from the 30th century. i hate this chibi chubby moon. dont ask me why.
sailor pluto a.k.a. setsuna meioh
the mysterious time guardian. a loner. BFF chibiusa. kayu sakti panjang semacam yg dy pegang tu is the key to space-time door.
sailor uranus a.k.a haruka tenoh
very masculine looking. (awwww) minah rempit terhebat of all sailors. but sgt stingy, nak keje ngan neptune, pluto and saturn je. eh gedik.
sailor power : sky
sailor neptune a.k.a. michiru kaioh
sumpah mmg gorgeous gila. a kick-ass lesbo as she fell in love with sailor uranus T_T. a skillful violinist and artist.
sailor power : ocean
sailor saturn a.k.a. hotaru tomoe
a sweet candy. has a dark family history as her daddy is a mad scientist (sumpah aku takkan kawen ngan scientist). a faithful daydreamer.
sailor power : silence (?) and has the ability to wield a powerful destruction force
artemis, diana and luna.
act as advisors to their respective owners. luna is the one who responsible to teach usagi to become a sailormoon. artemis is with sailor venus. diana is the daughter of luna and artemis, which act as the advisor for chibiusa.
actually, all these cats are human. tak percaya? tengok bawah ni.
thats all folks. btw, utk lepaskan rindu korg towards sailormoon , i'll leave u with the sailormoon theme song. sing along baby!
sailor moon and sailor neptune are my lovely faveret ones.
u all suka yg mana?
credits to wikipedia.
omg kak fana! comelnye minat SAILORMOON (honestly, xreti nak eja td.ahaha.kena refer balik kat akak nyer post :p)
obviously kite xminat sailormoon. ahaha. kite minat pokaemon! *siggghhh
ouh boy!wiki!
i tot u mmg top follower sailormoon, die hard fan gitu smpi igt sume!!hahahaha..
jhar and safwan will surely love reading this..hahaha(they love this series sooo much!)
eqa : owww really? takpe, akak minat pokaemon jugak! hehe
nabilah : ahhaaha. gile arh nak ingat semua ni. baek hapai bio ke, chem ke =D
peh kak fana..
sy dulu tgk skali skale gak kak fana..
pasal stiap sabtu ahad kat TV2 de Dragonball..
klu bgn awal tgk sailormoon dulu..
tp Dragonball mmg wajib!
aku layan akazukin cha cha kat astro.. hahaha!
ciko : wowow. aku pun peminat setia dragonball gak! haha
myra : hang ni sama je cm hijjaz. haha
aku baru peghasan mende nih..
aku die-hard-fan sailormoon dlu.
seriously fana?
like seriously?
one whole post?
(tepuk tangan bangga)
omg. lame gilaaaaaaaa x dgr lgu sailormooon. mcm org gila dulu bgun hari ahad nk tgk sailormoon n dragonball.
omgawshhh. time dolu2.
safwan : ahaha. samela kite
zatie : believe it dear! hahahaha yeay nnt kite karok lagu sailormoon ramai2 dlm jamban. haha!
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