Friday, November 27, 2009

knowing myself

sometimes i can become all moody that i know i have annoyed many ppl around me. including my best friends. some ppl dont understand me well, but some ppl greatly did. but still, i cant really hope that everyone wants to understand me. they have their own attitudes also. i fully understand that. thats why when i got angry, i prefer to stay quiet and isolating myself. i just dont want to talk to anybody. everybody has their own ways to vent out their angers and this is how i do it.

im a very sensitive person and im scared to death whenever i screwed other ppl's feelings. but when it comes to the point that im super furious, i dont care about that at all. im so self-centered when im in bad mood. i know this very well. to talk that other ppl becoming a bitch, i should take a look at myself first.

i have many areas lacking in me, but i couldnt be more grateful to have a bunch of friends who accept me for who i am.

i love my friends to bits.

salam aidiladha ppl.



Lord Hosni the Wise said...

"tiada manusia yang dapat melihat telinga sendiri, tetapi semua manusia dapat melihat telinga orang lain"

Quoted from Lord Hosni the Wise

nurulfana said...

yeeee wahai lord hosni
sungguh bagus kata2mu