Wednesday, November 25, 2009


so the so-called hellish semester has ended. and im still here, happy happy at home with my all my limbs still attached to me. perhaps its my brain that got out of place when the thought of all the piling assignments abruptly bombards my mind. shit.

the exam was okay for me. except for bio paper II which i think i did the worst of all the papers. how could i wrote seminal vesicle instead of synaptic vesicle? perghh that makes me a pervie. which im really not. v(^.^)

in case u dont understand the smiley above, it shows a happy face with a peace fingers. T_T

im grateful that most of my spot Qs did appear in the exam paper. not that im not stdying hard enough to score. i did. but its unfair if i study like crazy but i still cant answer the exam Qs juz because i didnt practice on the freaking past years Qs. so kenela study smart. we're talking about a very strong competition here. u must do what it takes to score. not just to merely depend on your bloody smart brain. unless u're a genius that u can answer all the tough Qs with ur eye closed.

but still, i feel pity and not to mention, guilty to my friends who did study hard, but still cant perform in the final exam just because they missed out the IB books or the past years. work smart babe, act smart.

smpaikan up to one point, i once thought that " baek takpayah belajar je mcmni, finals nnt masuk past years je pun."

but no, Allah knows what we've done and He'll pay our hardworks. wait until semester 4, when the past years cant help u anymore. by then, u can call that a real competition. but not this one. this one is unfair.

but still, that doesnt mean i despise ppl who didnt study but scored well, they were just working smart, weren't they?



Lord Hosni the Wise said...

life is like a box of choclate, you never know what would you get..

nurulfana said...

yaa. i guess so.