Saturday, December 24, 2011


last year

this year

teringin nak belajar main futsal betul2 so that boleh main dgn hebatnya, bukan main sepak aje mcm game interbatch aritu.


Saturday, December 17, 2011


i'm gonna miss this team T___T

walaupun menang sekali je, we always support each other no matter what.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

my bro

mursyid drew this himself out of boredom duduk kat rumah tunggu result PMR keluar. He uploaded it on fb and tagged me! i'm glad that we share the same interest in punkrock music. sebab yang lain tu dy minat rock kapak, saya minat korean songs. He always said that American Idiot is the best album produced by Green Day, album yg latest suma mcm kureng sikit which i totally agree. hehe.

sama gila kan my bro lukis!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

kids on the block dan musibah

sebab kami masih kanak-kanak dan kami sudah di block kedua, tahun kedua BDS. macam tak caya! rasa mcm baru haritu punggah beg kat LCCT sebab lebih 30kg bawak stok makanan mai datang Manipal.

anyhoo, malam ini sungguh gumbira sebab exam block 1 baru melabuhkan tirainya. eceyh. nasib baik exam penutup (Dental Material) tak susah sangat tapi tak senang jugak sebab ade soalan yg saye hentam jawab.

overall saya rasa exam block 1 sungguh mengecewakan. sedih dgn diri sendiri yg tak manfaatkan masa betul2. boleh rasa perbezaan belajar masa Year 1 dgn Year 2 ni. mentang2 dah ada pengalaman, jadi usaha diberi tak cukup 100%. baca pun lambat2, tgk laptop je lebih tapi kalau tak tengok laptop nnt mata cepat ngantuk pulak. haih lagi sedih sbb rasa kebergantungan hidup disandarkan kpd hiburan dlm laptop.

paling sedih - selepas jawab paper Pharmacology sebabnya masuk dewan exam dgn rasa tak bersedia dan tak habis baca. padahal kalau manfaatkan betul sehari suntuk + satu malam tu sempat je nk baca semua. sudahnya jawab macam apa je. p baca dgn separuh hati, maka separuh markahlah dpt jawabnya. tu pn kalau lecturer baik nak bagi markah.

pengajaran yg saya dpt drp Year 1 : jangan lebihkan satu subjek drp subjek2 yang lain dan jgn over-confident bila rasa boleh jawab exam. less expectation, less disappointment, no?

kisahnya, bagi saya masa Year 1 University exam paper Biochemistry adalah paper yg paling senang, essay dan MTF. rasa macam sangat yakin boleh score tinggi. bila lecturer tanya, dan even Dean MMMC tanya, penuh confident saya cakap paper Biochem paling senang. target saya time tu : Best Student in Biochemistry. memang saya aim satu tu je. subjek lain saya tak kisah. saya dh memang maintain markah drp Block 1 semata-mata untuk award tu. nampak sungguh niat belajar dah lari di situ.

sebelum pergi distinction viva untuk Biochem (last stage untuk dpt Distinction) , tengahari tu saya study segala handout yg ada, baca sekali imbas nak refresh balik memory. tapi dlm byk2 handout tu, satu handout pasal Vitamin K saya terlupa nak baca. dah ingat dah kena baca, tapi taktau kenapa last2 saya tak baca jugak. saya even tak jumpa pun handout tu kat mana.

dan bila saya masuk bilik untuk di-viva, soalan pasal Vitamin K adalah soalan utama viva saya di samping soalan2 lain. even basic soalan dy saya tak boleh jawab. lagi sedih, kena gelak dgn interviewer sebab taktau simbol lain untuk gamma. even soalan lain saya boleh jawab, tapi semua soalan berkaitan dgn Vitamin K mmg saya sangkut. tapi harapan saya masih tinggi, saya sangat percaya kpd markah teori saya dan berharap soalan2 lain yg saya berjaya jawab akan compensate soalan Vitamin K tu.

tapi saya silap.

bila results keluar online, otak saya mengambil proses yg agak lama bila mata saya melihat satu-satunya subjek yg saya tak dapat Distinction ialah Biochemistry. subjek2 lain yg saya dah memang putus harap pulak yg dapat. walaupun masih bersyukur atas rezeki yg diberi, tapi ralat hati memang takleh nak sorok. sepanjang 5 minggu baki cuti saya di Malaysia setiap malam sebelum tido saya akan berasa frustrated dan mengulang ayat "kalaulah aku baca handout Vitamin K tu''. Tiap-tiap malam. tahap kecewa yg taktau nak cakap mcm mana.

harga yg perlu dibayar bila harapan terlalu tinggi.

dan bila dapat full result beserta markah, saya jadi lagi terkejut sebab subjek yg saya agung-agungkan tula yg saya dapat markah rendah compared to Anatomy dan Physiology. sumpah terkejut sampai rasa mcm nak pergi check paper balik. rasa mcm tak boleh terima. markah yg saya expect jauh sama sekali.

balik tu saya fikir, ada sebab Allah tak bagi saya distinction Biochem. mungkin kalau saya dpt, saya akn bertambah yakin dan lupa semua ilmu tu dtg drp-Nya. saya akan bertambah riak. saya akan lupa diri dan mule mengurangkan usaha belajar. jadinya setiap kali saya sedih teringat result tu, saya akan ingat itu tanda Allah sayangkan saya. Allah taknak saya jadi lebih sesat. Allah nak saya berusaha lebih lagi.

jadi, terima kasih Allah dan thanks to handout Vitamin K kerana telah menghilangkan diri pada hari viva itu =)

perasaan ni dtg balik sebab haritu kakak usrah ada share pasal hikmah musibah. salah satunya untuk menguji sejauh mana pergantungan diri kita kpd Allah dan sejauh mana tahap keredhaan diri kita kpd ujian2 Allah. jadinya hati akan bertambah tenang bila semua benda kita trace balik kpd Allah.

harap2 lepas ni akan mampu terus bersabar menghadapi apa jua musibah, contohnya dibahan rakan2 dgn benda yg tak betoi hihihihi =P

marilah bersemangat menghadapi Block 2! *semoga tak hangat-hangat tahi ayam* walaupun agak lemah lutut sebab esok ada practical Microbiology T____T. go away negative vibes!! shoooh shoooh!


Friday, November 18, 2011

awak yg pelik

sebab awak boleh terima saya seadanya. saya sendiri tak mampu terima diri saya apa adanya.

u said the nerd in me is attractive (bahaha) but now this nerdiness is keeping me away from you for a while.

patience is a virtue =)

so not ready for block 1 exam. hate this.

-pic from tumblr-


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


happy birthday Mira!!!

rindunya zaman karok kat SP and makan2 kat CP and jalan kaki p pasar malam ampangan (walopun aku p 2 kali je hihi)

tahun depan wajib jumpa wokey kalau tak no kain sari for you! hahaha =P

love u Mira, jaga diri baik2 noo kat UK sana. ^__^

p/s : Mcdee, mira lagi pervert drp aku okay. haha


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

doploh satu

tepat kul 12 waktu Malaysia ada manusia nyanyi lagu happy birthday dgn tak sedapnya from Malaysia. hihi ada org tu kecewa tak dpt jd org first yg wish sebab kawan2 from aussie dah wish dulu kat fb. nevermind, u're the last to wish me sebelum masuk 29th Oct. =)

tepat pukul 12 waktu Malaysia jugak mak abah hantar mesej menyentuh jiwa, rasa nak leleh-leleh tapi ditahan sebab tamau sedih malam birthday. sedih sebab fikir dah lama tak sambut birthday ngan family sendiri sebab drp form 1 dok hostel and birthday jarang jatuh hari cuti.

tepat pukul 12 waktu India ada manusia tu wish lagi sekali selepas 3 jam menemani malam birthday girl yg sepi. layan perasaan dgr bunga api n mercun pompampom perasan orang main untuk celebrate birthday dia. rasa macam artis sekejap.

bangun esok pagi tgk ada 2 mesej masuk from Najoo and DJ. sedih. makin tua makin sikit dpt mesej. semua salah facebook. p dapur Myro dah masak breakfast egg sandwich and dua2 housemates tersayang wish birthday peluk cium apa semua.

pegi kelas, duduk kat tempat skema sakit leher, bukak inbox, air mata meleleh. sebab? TAKTAU. sumpah taktau. memang perangai fanarosli cepat sensitip bila dtg hari2 penting dlm hidup dy. perasaan yg taktau nk explain mcmn kat orang. pastu classmates wish n nyanyi lagu birthday pun tak mampu nak ckp thank you properly sebab hati kacau bilau. urgh menciii.
mintak maaf kawan2 kerana menyusahkan hati anda semua.

balik rumah, tido. bangun, dah normal. petang tu Nabilah belanja makan eskem Baskin walaupun belum 31st. dinner malam tu, ada suprise chocolate cake Nabilah buat untuk saye n Syasya buat topping dy. ^__^ sedap gila tauuu sampai saya tak kisah diet saya hancur hehe.

tadaa! nampak tak word 'Fana' tu? sebenanye saja ngade2 mintak Nabilah buat kek special for my birthday, tp tak sangke dy buat betoi2. hihi thanks my poreber partner!

duckie no. 1 and card from Myra. dah agak dah dy akan beli hadiah2 yg tak semenggah sebab dy dah tak innocent skrg ni. hehe. but the words in her card that hit me. i'll try to change okay bebeh! =)

ini memang stail Miyn, bagi hadiah ada muka dy sendiri. hehe. saye anggap dy masak chicken chop sedap gilos aritu sebagai meraikan birthday saya boleh tak? hihi

blouse and card from Dawa n Aien. =)

a gigantic mug, luggage tag and card from Syasya. rasanya dy bagi tag tu sebab haritu mcm excited tgk dy pakai tag tu jadi keychain. ngeh3 jakun.

a nerd domo pencilcase from Najo and Myro. tak seswai langsung dgn personality dan gaya hidup saya yg glamer dan chic. kihkihkih.

hadiah yg paling berani sekali from Naurah. Duckie no. 2 berjoget buat bising tarik perhatian sume org. bila pegang kepala dy masa tgh joget nnt dy quackquackquack dgn sgt bising. tapi sgt menghiburkan hati ^_^ thanks for the bangle and card too.

Duckie no. 3 from Kappa dibeli depan mata birthday girl walaupun dihalang berkali-kali. menjadi mainan Kappa selam sebulan, baru dipasskan kpd birthday girl. =_='' tapi seronok main picit2 dy bila stress.

cheers to my very first Korean album!! Super Junior Mr. Simple album version B. terlompat2 dapat hadiah ni from Kappa sebab mcm tak percaya! walaupun dh 3 tahun jadi K-pop fan, tapi tak pernah lagi sampai beli album sebab takde duit *sobs*

dlm album tu ada photo album *sukasuka!* dapat phototcard Siwon, kalau Mira or Mcdee yg dpt mesti diorg lagi suka.

my anchovy! teeheeheee ^_^

and thanks so much to Mcdee, Myra and Miyn (3M) for the blogposts. jugak kepada syatees mokmok sebab sanggup call from aussie sana. nak menyamar buat suara tempe padahal suara ko tu nyaring cam kucing. haha. thanks also for all the birthday wishes dlm apa jua cara; wish depan2/mesej/nyanyi lagu birthday/ fb/twitter.

menyesal moody di pagi birthday bila Allah kurniakan saya kawan2 yg mampu menyempurnakan birthday saya yg ke-21. sayang semua!

salah satu tanda dah tua: malas nak reply wish birthday satu persatu kat fb.

p/s : panjang nak mampus post birthday ni. but thats because i'm happy and in the mood. =) lepas ni lagi forever nak update.


Thursday, October 6, 2011



pembonceng setia yang tak berapa nak innocent dah sekarang ni. semoga sentiasa mendapat petunjuk-Nya dan dijauhkan drp any negative vibes termasuk yg nakal-nakal comel mcm aku teeheeeheee.

jom build up some muscles, kita hapuskan lemak2 ayam itu weeheeheeeee.

don't just count your years, make your years count. =)

*sorry guna gambar lama, zaman aku still kurus hehe*


Thursday, September 29, 2011

my second year

so far so good. nothing interesting. lots and lots of practical. sakit pinggang tangan lenguh. less theory class (yeay?). still sleepy in class. cooking our own food everyday *proud*.

first 2 pictures are the cavity preparation in conservative dentistry, belajar korek gigi kapur untuk bubuh amalgam/resin bila gigi korang kena caries atau mcm2 penyakit sebab pemalas berus gigi. eh terlebih ganas gosok gigi pun boleh berlubang jugak.

last 3 pictures are the arrangement of artificial teeth for edentulous denture in prosthodontics. sakit jiwa nak susun bagi betul2 accurate.

sorry for the nerdy update walaupun hasil tangan tak cantik mana. babai!


Thursday, September 8, 2011

le picnic

we had our first picnic together yesterday! ^_^ sebenarnya teringin sgt nk p tgk and jalan2 kat laut dgn bf tapi ipoh agak jauh dari laut, so p cari waterfall terdekat jela, tempat saye selalu p dgn family bile teringin nak mandi air terjun.

benda paling best adalah bf memasak bekalan untuk picnic kami! he volunteered, as a gift for me katenye. so takkan nak tolak kan nyeh3.

simple tapi sedap! tambah lagi bila makan pas kuar drp air sungai yg sejuk mcm ais.

ulu chepor ni still bersih macam masa saye dtg zaman hingusan dulu. tgk pilih tempat cetek aje sebab the gf tak pandai berenang or menyelam. the bf keciwa. ngeh3 sorryyyy.

pas dah puas dok berendam dalam air sungai ais, lari p jusco pekena steamboat johnny's pastu karok 2 jam. semua lagu dipilih adalah lagu yg strain-kan vocal cords.

anyhoo, i'm loving the day and looking forwards for more dates outside out shopping complex. bosan dah 4 tahun asek date kat shopping mall.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

aidilfitri 2011

selamat hari raya aidilfitri! maaf zahir batin!

tahun ni saya dpt buah kuih raya sendiri sebab mak dh beli oven! yeay! buat 2 jenis je pun, honey cornflakes and almond london.

tahun ni sama mcm tahun lepas, beraya kat rumah sendiri je, petang tu balik kampung belah mak sebab nak lawat kubuh arwah tok and p jalan2 rumah mak sedara. cadangnya raya ke2 nak balik n9 kampung abah tapi tiba2 last minit tak jadi.

jadinya dah 2 hari saya dok rumah tak keluar g mana2 just terima tetamu je and jadi tukang hidang n tukang basuh pinggan. student mak datang berduyun-duyun hueh bestnya jadi cikgu anak murid still datang rumah even dah keluar sekolah.

raya ke5 ni nak keluar p openhouse kawan2 bainun, 6hb kena p seremban beraya rumah cikgu2 KMS, 7hb maksu punya openhouse, 8hb jumpa bf, 9hb openhouse sendiri sempena birthday hijjaz. ahh i love my raya schedule! teeheeheee ^_^

have a blessful raya semua orang! =)


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

our moments

iftar =) licin habis suma walaupun makan berdua je.

ok sibok jap hehe

strudel and ice cream =D

i had a great time. mula2 jumpa awkward gila taktau nak cakap apa. malu2 kucing sengih menyeringai je lol. thanks teman shopping and tolong ikat ribbon.

thanks kak shikin for recommending the place!


Friday, August 12, 2011


salam semua! i'm back home for almost a week already. tapi bosannyaaaa dok sorang2 kat rumah adik2 semua p sekolah sampai petang pastu ade tusyen pulak malam2 haih nak ajak p mcD drive thru pun susah.

naseb bek ade stok cter korea and jepun buat peneman hari2ku yg sepi. so far dah habehkan 3 cerita : baby-faced detective shibata, my princess and 49 days. cerita shibata tu best sebab hero dy cute sangat and ade buchou (fujiki naohito, my second boypren ehem) and cerita dy pun standard cerita jepunla, setiap kes ade moral and nilai2 murni yang harus dicungkil oelh para penonton sekalian.

cerita 49 days telah mengorbankan air mata saya sebanyak berliter2 sebab jalan cerita yg meruntun hati dan perasaan. tapi apa kes ending dy memedihkan ulu hati orang je. sakit jiwa aku nanges 20 episodes tup tup takdak happy ending pun. sobs selalunya bile tgk cter korea i akan skip2 part yg drag panjang berjela tp cter tu takleh nk skip sgt kalau tak nanti hilang pemahaman akan jalan cerita yg complicated itu.

saya suka my princess!! tapi isu kerajaan korea, blue house and isu puteri2 diraja ni semua i skip hehee tgk part best2 je. song seung hun comelnye dlm cter ni teehee before ni tak rasa dy hensem tapi tiba2 du jadi hensem dlm cter ni. penat dah gigit bantal golek2 atas katil sebab moment2 cheesy tp rumentik dlm cter ni hehe. jadila buat hiburan kan.

oh btw sepanjang balik rumah ni saya tak penah lagi p bazar ramadhan sebab mak rajin bebenor masak smpai penuh meja. even shopping2 kat ipoh pun tak p lagi. rasa lg best dok rumah kacau adik buat keje sekolah. mood nk shopping tak dtg lagi. dlm purse pun ade duit rupee je haha punya malas nk keluar tukar. tapi kena paksa diri keluar jugak sebab hadiah org tu tak beli lagi padahal next week dah nak jumpa ohh cuakkkkk. takde idea nak buat apa lagi untuk dy. dy dah demand masak itu ini. bilalaa dy nak sedar gf dy ni tak pandai masak.

results first year dah keluar. although i'm grateful, i can't hide my frustration. tapi nk buat mcmn kan, sampai mati pun aku akan ingat simbol gamma tu hehe.

ok dah nk p mandi. pasni sambung city hunter pulak.


Friday, August 5, 2011


finally, i've done with first year of bachelor of dental science! ^___^ 4 more years to go though T_T anyhoo, i'm done with all the exams, practicals and distinction viva. regarding the viva, i'm not really confident but i've tried my best, so tawakkal jelah yg termampu skrg. tp still macam tak percaya! dah setahun dok kat india ni! dalam masa setahun ni satu pokok cili boleh mengeluarkan hasil sebanyak 73 kali! wow!

oo yeah no more carving! will miss it though. carving tooth from a wax block was fun but the pressure that came from the lecturer was truly a burden. mm okaylaa maybe not a burden tapi memang buat orang stress! sakit jiwa setiap kali nak pergi lab sebab takut kena condemn macam2. carve gigi manusia macam gigi buaya la, gigi harimau la, tu belum masuk part kena gelak kihkihkih dgn lecturer dan kita hanya mampu terkulat-kulat lalu senyum kambing sebab nak cover malu.

tapi second year still tak boleh lari from prosthodontics T__T so expect a lot of the-whine-of -the-prostho-class posts after this. kena kuat semangat walaupun kena buat 7 cycle of the same procedure to make an edentulous denture (gigi palsu untuk org tak bergigi langsung) over a year.

bye2 anatomy, physiology and biochemistry!! i'll only miss anatomy part head and neck excluding brain. i won't miss learning thorax hehe sebab takde kaitan ngan dentist kot. i'll miss biochemistry a lot but kat physiology takdak apa2 perasaan. bese2 je.

second year offers general pathology, microbiology, pharmacology and dental materials for us to drown ourselves with. semua subject pun mcm killer jadi harapnya senior ade tinggalkan byk nota2 hebat untuk kitorg especially dental materials. i don't even know what i'm learning for the past 11 months. sad tapi nanti2la risau. yg penting nak balik malaysia dulu jumpa family pastu makan sedap. teehee.

i'm starting my journey going back home tomorrow!! firstly the 2 hour journey with car from manipal to mangalore, then the 12 hours train from mangalore to bangalore and finally a flight to malaysia!!! weehooooo!!


Monday, August 1, 2011

hai august

august dah rupanya.

selamat menyambut ramadhan kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat. dpt jugaklah merasa pengalaman bepuasa di bumi orang walaupun hanya untuk seminggu. tak rasa apa2 yang lain sgt, mungkin sebab sibuk prepare untuk practical exam. tapi td first sahur dah terkorban sebab terlambat bangun. uhuk dah semangat dah nk makan cornflakes dgn susu. nak berbuke pun tak excited sgt sebabnya sampai saat saye menaip ni saye taktau nak berbuke ape. rase sunyila pulak dok dlm bilik sensorang menghadap buku physiology.

rasa rindu suasana berbuka ramai2 zaman 7 tahun duduk kat hostel. walaupun kadang2 mknn tak sesedap mcm kat rumah, tapi the atmosphere of berbuka dgn kawan2 cured it all. tak payah pening2 nak makan apa mlm ni, just p dewan selera, semua dah ade. kalau rajin p bazar ramadhan beli lauk extra. penah sekali tu termenangis sebab sayu tgk lauk berbuka ala kadar yg DS bagi sedangkan family kat rumah kemain seronok makan mewah2. haha zaman leleh.

kejam sungguh orang2 yg upload gamba makanan macam2 kat facebook. saliva dah accumulate, hanya mampu menelan sahaja T___T. one more week to home. tak sabar!


Monday, July 25, 2011

half more

salam readers. dah lama nak tulis blog sebenarnya tapi takdak modal sebab tulis mesti akan cakap pasai exam. and kali ni memang saya nk ckp pasai exam pun. hehe. sebabnya tadi exam theory dah habis. yeayyy!! semua paper not badla kecuali killer paper essay dental anatomy. keluar soalan yg tak pernah belajar sebelum ni.

'describe chewing cycle.'

garu2 kepala penat teran otak pikir bila masa aku belajar cycle ni? jadinya td saya telah membuat cycle sendiri untuk menghiburkan hati tuan pemeriksa. sile memberi saya sedikit markah kesian pls.

so part theory dah langsai, tinggal part practical lagi seminggu. and kalau ade rezeki dpt distinction, kena p distinction viva. ohh byk benoo peringkatnya nak dpt distinction ni. kena kuat semangat walaupun hari2 menghitung hari nak balik malaysia.

tadi ade org kejam p post gamba kerang rebus kat facebook T___T naseb bek lagi 2 minggu je nak sampai Malaysia. sobs

musim exam ni sangat horror tgk lantai bilik sendiri sebabnya ade byk gila protein-protein yg halus berwarna hitam berterabur kat sana sini. lama2 mau botak kepala sebab exam.

btw, sleep wake cycle mmg dah terpusing 360 darjah. balik Malaysia nnt baru betulkan.

mmm ape lagi ek nak cerita...oh saye ade usrah petang ni jadinya saye ingat nk tido jap tapi tgk2 sikit lagi kena p jumpe mentor. jgn dy tanye psl chewing cycle lagi sudah.

taktaula nak cerita pasal apa lagi. oh saye tau saye lmbt, tapi terima kasih kepada video2 nigahiga yg menemani malam2 saya study. =)


Friday, July 8, 2011


ada kawan tag gambar masa zaman darjah satu kat fb tadi. ntah mcmn dy boleh jumpa gambar drp zaman 1997 entah. ni gamba kelas saya, 1 dinamik hihihihi kalau hebat cuba teka which one is me? tgkla zaman darjah 1, duduk atas kerusi pun kaki tergantung lagi tak cecah tanah hahaha yep i'm the one sitting on the chair on the right side. mata and dahi berkerut habeh sebab panas sgt kot time ni. sebabnya saya dpt duduk atas kerusi? sebab masa ni saya ketua darjah kot? hoho hebatnya =P fyi cikgu yg pakai tudung kuning tu is mak saya cikgu hatimah, cikgu BM paling garang dlm kelas asek torture anak sendiri je T_T

skrg semua pun dah besar panjang bwak haluan masing2. ade sorg classmate pompuan saya kat atas baru kawen cuti bulan 5 aritu.


first week of study leave...

.....was a total mess. my life has turned upside down. i slept from 6am in the morning till 12 noon and woke up to study from 3 pm in the evening until 5 am in the morning. this is crazy. i've tried to change my study style by sleeping early, but then i still woke up at noon no matter how hard i pushed myself to get up. T___T

the momentum is just not there and its only 2 weeks left to final exam. what should i doooooooo???? one day i was all enthusiastic to study and finished the portion quickly but another day i was a lazy snorlax, just laying on my cozy bed sleeping like there's no tomorrow.

bakal balik malaysia dgn badan gempal dan mata panda.


Friday, July 1, 2011

couple song

bf dok bagi aku dgr lagu price tag cover by maddi jane. pas dengar, nk bagi mcm comment mcm taktau apa2 sebab telinga dah lama tak dgr lagu english. jadinya boleh ckp lgu tu bese2 aje.

tadi tertengok video lagu Couple Song ni by Ra.D and Kelley. mula2 tengok apsal dua ekor ni nyanyi tersengih2 malu-malu kucing atas pentas pastu baru tau rupanya si Kelley ni wife dy. lagu ni lagu ciptaan si suami sendiri khas untuk hubungan diorg =)


(Ra.D) She looks pretty from the front, but she also looks pretty from the side
Sometimes, I get excited just by looking at her back view and I secretly want to hold her tight
She is so so pretty, her sweet heart is also very pretty
So pretty like this, I am glad that she is my girlfriend

(Ra.D) I love you

(Kelley) I love you

(Ra.D & Kelley) I love you. I don’t think I can live even one day without you.

(Ra.D) She is so pretty

(Kelley) He is so handsome

(Ra.D & Kelley) I confess to her/him daily. I don’t think I can live even one day without you.

(Kelley) He looks handsome from the front, but he also looks handsome from the side
Sometimes, I get excited just by looking at his back view and I secretly want to hold him tight
He is so so handsome, his sweet heart is also very handsome.
So handsome like this, I am glad that he is my boyfriend

(Ra.D) I love you

(Kelley) I love you

(Ra.D & Kelley) I love you. I don’t think I can live even one day without you.

(Ra.D) So pretty

(Kelley) So handsome

(Ra.D & Kelley) I confess to her/him daily. I don’t think I can live even one day without you.

(Ra.D & Kelley) I don’t think I can live one day without seeing her/him.

(Ra.D) I can`t live without you girl

(Kelley) I can`t live without you boy

(Ra.D & Kelley) I don’t think I can live one day without seeing her/him.

(Kelley) I can`t live without you boy (I can’t live without you…)

(Ra.D) I can`t imagine life without your love

(Ra.D) I love you

(Kelley) I love you

(Ra.D & Kelley) I love you. I don’t think I can live one day without you (I can’t live without you)

(Ra.D) So pretty

(Kelley) So handsome

(Ra.D & Kelley) I confess to her/him daily. I don’t think I can live even one day without you.

so sweet laki bini menyanyi sambil looking into each other eyes. ^___^

*momentum study tak sampai lagi sobs*


Wednesday, June 29, 2011


block 4 dah habis petang tadi. weeeee. >_< alhamdullilah setahun ni tak penah ponteng kelas walaupun penah sekali terbabas dtg lambat masa kelas anatomy naseb bek lecturer tu baik bagi masuk.

pasal exam block 4, ni kali pertama dlm hidup saya tido pukul 5 pagi seminggu berturut-turut. sebab block ni paling hampeh cara belajar, jadinya study last minute dgn nota berteraburnye lagi, memang terpaksa stay up sampai lebam biji mata. esok pagi g jawab exam dgn mata merah n kepala pening. sungguh tak sihat dan menyeksakan.

sebelum ni exam block2 lain walaupun banyak benda nak baca, tp takdela smpai tido pukul 5 pagi. at least kul 2.30 mcmtu dah lelap. sedih dgn diri sendiri. orang lain makin lama makin bagus, diri sendiri makin lama makin tak berdisiplin mase belajar.

physiology n biochemistry bolehla jawab, anatomy mcm susah sikit dan yg paling dasat tak lain tak bukan dental anatomy. takmau ckp dah psl paper exam. babai.

jadinya lepas ni ada 3 minggu study leave untuk final university exam. kena start susun jadual, kalau tak nnt jd cam zombie lagi. takut sgt bila pk kena baca anatomy n dental anatomy drp block 1. mau botak kepala mase balik malaysia nnt. T__T

tak sabar nak balik Malaysia!


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

first year

classes for my first year dentistry course officially finished today! weehoo no more classes but more n more examintaions instead T__T. will turn into a zombie in few weeks to come. maybe i'll go back to Malaysia with a panda eyebag, an unhealthy body bersalutkan lipid sebab makan benda tak sihat sepanjang minggu exam n also a tak betul mind. see, my english broken already, belum start exam lagi tu. sigh. lets do the best! fighting!

musim2 nak exam ni emosi agak tak menentu. kejap happy, happy melampau, sedih, termenung n boleh menangis tiba2. semoga sabar semuanya menghadapi minggu2 akan dtg.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

keep holding on

khas untuk bf yg selalu kena ignore minggu ni, i'm so sorry =) i cant seem to properly express my feelings towards you, so here goes a song for you. the lyrics are exactly what i want to say to you.

i love you.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

i'm a hungry girl

tengah2 malam lepas lukis 8 slides Dental Histology memang terasa lapar walaupun dah membaham Subway after maghrib td. sebenarnya bosab, tak boleh nak tido. jadi bukak blogspot membebel sorang2. jadinya post ini adalah post random dan merapu.

banyak benda yg jadi dlm minggu ni yang mengubah pandangan saya dalam melihat sesuatu situasi. bila saya diam, maksudnya sama ada saya tgh marah, saya tgh berfikir, saya tgh runsing, saya tgh hafal nota biochem, atau mungkin saya hanya ngada2 takmau cakap dgn sapa2 *dramaqueen*

bila saya marah atau bengang, saya prefer untuk diam sebab kalau saya bukak mulut, saya akan lukakan hati di sekeliling saya even bestfriends saya sendiri. kalau saya marah tp mood saya baik (?) saya akan ringan mulut cerita kat kawan. tapi kalau saya tgh marah tahap nak lempang orang ada baiknya saya menjauhkan diri drp orang lain.

perasaan marah ni susah nak kawal sebab angin amarah ni ditiup oleh syaitan. jadinya kena sentiasa beringat beristighfar byk2 supaya syaitan2 tu lari lintang pukang. tp biasalah, saya manusia biasa yg mudah lupa, bila marah lupa terus kat Allah. terlalu ikutkan kata hati walaupun Allah dah kurniakan kita akal yg waras.

apabila sesuatu yg tak baik terjadi di sekeliling saya, saya hanya mampu melihat sebabnya saya rasa terlalu rendah diri nak amalkan amar makruf nahi mungkar sebab diri sendiri pun banyak dosa dan sgtlah kekurangan. tapi dari sudut positifnya, kita akan cuba ajar diri kita supaya tak ikut benda yg tak baik tu. mungkin ni salah satu cara Allah bagi hidayah kat kita kan.

banyak pulak aku membebel. kejap guna aku, kejap guna saya. dah ngantukla pulak mata.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

in in in inner peace =)

''your story may not have such a good beginning, but look how it turned out. Your past does not define you. It is what you decide that does'' - Po's dad, the noodle chef goose.

anyway, can i have a baby panda as a pet? cause little Po in Kungfu Panda 2 is too cute for words! geram geram geram!!!! i felt like hugging n gomol-ling (?) him right the moment i saw him on screen.

i always love kungfu panda for its awesomeness, the lawak nak mampus part and of course the main message the movie wants to convey to the audience. if Kungfu Panda 1 brought the message of believing in ourselves, this time it focused mainly on how we shouldn't let our past affect our future life. meaningful, no? =)

and this time, ade bibit2 percintaan antara Po n Tigress. isn't that sweet??? mula2 kemain bergaduh tapi last2 they truly support each other. awww. there's surely be Kungfu Panda 3. can't wait!!!

go watch it, ppl. serious tak rugi =D


Saturday, June 4, 2011

sulky eh?

i think i've made someone sulky because i kinda ignore him in twitter. =P jadinya, untuk mengcover balik kesalahan saya, saya mahu memberi orang itu hadiah.


jgn buat muka mcm org di atas ye. say cheeesseeeee hehe =)

credit pic-google n tumblr.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


will you? =)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

little Po

i wanna watch this movie so bad. T_T

i miss Po and The Five, and also Shifu telinga besar boleh gerak2.

i remember when me n bf first watched kungfu panda in cinema on our third date (if i'm not mistaken) back in 2008, i was laughing so hard that he said he could only hear my laugh throughout the movie =_=''

random : tadi call mak cerita pasal muka dah naik jerawat balik blah blah blah stress blah blah blah badan dah gemok apa semua, mak reply satu benda je ; kat india sana takde jual pencuci muke Safi ke? O__O


Friday, May 27, 2011

dental caries

the book and the poster are done! yeay to my group! now whats left is the mock presentation and final presentation in front of the dean and othe dentistry faculty members.

i know i shouldn't take this project as a burden but yeap, it was a burden for me until when i saw the complete 127-pages book in front of me. the sweet fruit of our hardwork =)

thanks to all team members. =) we whined a lot, we complained on how cerewet Dr. Jaya was, we're frustrated with the poster guy who has difficulty in understanding simple word, we're tired of doing the same things over and over again, we were sad that the cost of our book is more compared to other groups and many more.

but we're happy during the night we spent together in syasya's room (this sounds so wrong lol), eating kuaci n segala mak nenek makanan syasya, karaoke-ing like a boss and... thats all? haha i can't think of anything more right now.

we're extremely relieved when Dr. Jaya said ''okay, it's final" =D

i wanna thanks IB diploma programme for giving me the experience of doing a 4000 words extended essay which had instilled various manipulating and improvising skills in me. it was very useful. i owe u man!

tomorrow we have to present in front of Dr Jaya, again. but i havent prepared anything yet. O_O

picture taken from nabilah's fb.


Sunday, May 22, 2011


this has been a tough week. alhamdullilah i've made it through, syukur for the strength that Allah has given me and of course a gazzilion thanks to my friends who are always by my side, helping and cheering me up.

first, i'll be staying in International Hostel starting tomorrow. one person per room. i've been living in hostel for 8 years but this is the first time i'll be staying alone. luckily dawa, myra n farah are living next door so there's nothing to be worried about. except for the elevator. hope it will be all okay when we shift there tomorrow morning. kalau tak jenuh den nak angkat beg berat sampai 6th floor.

the room itself? fantastic wa cakap lu! first time seeing a hostel room very much similar to a real hotel room! the furniture are wallahhhh! marvelous! i suka! but no TV la. who needs TV anyway when all our favourite shows can be streamed online? booyah. but it will surely menebuk a very big hole in your pocket cause it costs 100 000 rupees or approximately RM8500 per year. imagine paying that amount in one go. for student who's on a scholarship like me ni bukan takat tebuk lubang kat poket, ni poket tu hilang terus ditelan Manipal.

the view from my window is somehow errr architectural? because basically this international hostel is not completely built yet. WHAT? yes you heard me. i didn't have the gut to tell my mum about this cause she'll be resah-gelisah if she knows her one and only daughter is staying in a 3/4 built building where you can hear the drilling sound all day long. tapi mana nak cari pengalaman macam ni, hidup style india beb! almost all building here were built halfway to accomodate some ppl, then they'll sambung the construction like nobody's business. tahan jela bunyi bising orang gerudi sana sini. layan jela kan.

one thing that i don't like about moving is the packing part. so tedious and time+energy consuming. but thanks to najaa, i've done the packing part successfully. *flip hair* now what's left is the unpacking part which i love the most! i love re-arranging things according to my own preferences. but only when the mood is there la. memang takla aku nak mengemas 24 jam kan.

the next problem is internet connection. this time thanks to aien and whoever junior that recommended me the MTS broadband. not badla, modem pun cun teehee. but i'm gonna use it for 2 months only then i'm going to sell it to juniors who's moving into the hostel this September. now me n Myra have to go to BSNL to terminate our current connection and hopefully we don't have to face those 2 annoying old people. i'm not being rude, but to me all Manipal ppl are very nice except for those 2. grrr.

transport is settled, all thanks to our buchou (scooty's name) and the booking for our new apartment is also done. but MSP is still not over yet. i really want to break up with this project thing asap. serius penat. the only good part of this project is that when ppl talk about dental caries, at least i can understand a tad bit. well thats more than enough for me. we'll learn it in Year 2 anyway.

wow banyaknya aku membebel kali ni. i just need to get it out of my chest. seriously its tiring for me. i know, ni baru sikit, kena belajar jadi independent. sampai bila nak bergantung kat mak kan? that's what i'm doing right now. going through all this made me realized how unready i am for commitment other than to myself. i need to learn to properly manage my life first before i interfere with other ppl's life.

that's all for now. have a nice weekend everyone! cause i won't. T_T


Friday, May 20, 2011

sepohon kayu daunnya rimbun

nyanyi lagu sepohon kayu by hijjaz sambil buat nota biochem sebab rindu sgt kat budak debab sorang ni. sekarang sombong nak mampus dgn kakak sendiri, nak cakap phone ngan dy punyalah susah. bz kalah menteri padahal p main game Zuma tak reti nak stop.

tgk gambar ni buat hati tak sabar nak tgk kungfu panda 2. gemok macam Po! kecik2 dah pandai camwhore guna effect macam2. kaklong dulu tangkap gambar guna kamera buruk je, takde effect bagai.

kaklong janji, pas kaklong dah jadi dentist nnt, gigi kau kaklong repair first. huduh gila deciduous dentition (gigi susu) ada nursing bottle caries. semoga permanent dentition (gigi kekal) kau tumbuh cun belaka.


Monday, May 16, 2011


dulu tangan kanan saya sentiasa pakai ini, sampaikan ada classmate yg panggil saya fanash. even tcer amim pun panggil saya fanash. word ni saya yg invent, hasil gabungan nama saya n bf. fana dan ashraf.

tapi sekarang tangan kanan saya kosong. sebab tali bangle ni dah rosak terkena air. mula2 rasa pelik sebab dua tahun setengah pakai bangle ni setiap kali keluar g mana2. tapi sekarang takleh pakai dah. setiap kali bukak loker pandang sayu je benda ni.

jadinya, encik bf bila dah baca post ni silalah faham maksud tersirat. teehee. =P dah lama dah nak buat post ni tapi ntah napa baru mlm ni terkedek-kedek nak post.

semoga minggu ini menjadi minggu yg lebih baik drp minggu lepas sebab sebaik-baik manusia adalah manusia yg menjadikan hari esok lebih baik drp hari ini.

p/s : gmba worksteps math IB jd latar belakang bangle. rindula jugak kat subjek ni tp xdela sampai sanggup nk belajar lagi sekali. saya bukan otak math maaa.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

minggu ini

minggu ini adalah minggu yang memenatkan. kenapa penat? ada banyak sebab. tapi tak boleh mengeluh. sebab semua ini ujian drp-Nya.

kita sentiasa berdoa semoga Allah bagi kita kejayaan yg cemerlang dlm pelajaran, tp kadang2 kita still tak dapat kejayaan yang kita nak. ini tak bermakna Allah tak makbulkan doa kita ataupun takmau bagi kita berjaya, tapi Allah sebenarnya dah kurniakan kita sifat sabar, tabah dan redha yg sgt sukar nak diperoleh oleh sesetangah org. at least ini apa yg kakak usrah saya bagitau aritu. bila fikir2 balik, memang betul pun kan. kadang2 kite je yg tak nmpak segala hikmah di sebalik apa yg dah terjadi.

jadinya minggu ini bermula dgn agak baik sebab minggu lepas hari2 tido dlm kelas pastu menangis bila study physiology sebab tak paham satu apa. so dah menyesal takmau tido dlm kelas lg walaupun adela jugak tersengguk-sengguk teehee biasala tu kan.

hari selasa saya dan myra dah dapat skuter baru weee comel warna merah. tapi takde nama lagi, malasla nk fikir.

minggu ni makin banyak luka-luka kat badan semuanya sebab prostho. *prostho lagi* tiap kali tulis blog mesti komplen pasal prostho tapi nak buat mcmn mmg prostho kurang best T_T sapa2 yg nak amek dentistry kalau diri tu clumsy mcm saya siap sediala nak terbakar jari, terpegang besi panas, terhiris jari sendiri, etc. ni bukan nak takutkan, ni sekdr peringatan :p

carving first maxillary molar aka gigi pertama geraham atas sgtlah menguji kesabaran. tapi kenalah jugak tabahkan hati buat slow2 kalau tak nnt bila patient dtg nak repair gigi geraham takkan nak carve central incisor (gigi kapak) kan? kalau camtu setengah jam patient kunyah makanan pun tak hancur2. *exaggerate*

dan dan dannnn yang paling menguji kesabaran minda dan fizikal ialah MSP aka mentor-student project. bayangkan, group lain semua buat chapter scope agak kecil sekali kat group saya amek kau satu chapter dental caries dy balun suruh buat buku. td masa present depan dr. jaya pun smpai 2 jam stgh baru habeh. sgtlaa byk dan susah nak paham sebab yelah, dental caries ni chapter year 2. even year 2 pun tak belajar sedetail apa yg kitorg buat. huisshh fana jgn mengeluh fana, sabar sabar.

oh result block 3 dah keluar, semua result turun, anatomy je yg naik. boleh usaha lagi this block.

oklah taktau nk tulis apa dah. rindu mak tiba2 taktau napa tah.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

four years

selamat empat tahun, bf.

You’re so beautiful
But that’s not why I love you
And I’m not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you
Being you
Just you
Yeah the reason I love you is all that we’ve been through
And that’s why I love you
